Self blocking aluminum seal to apply to salami string
Eyelet seals for Documents
Eyelet seals for documents
Eyelet seals for Envelopes and Packaging
Eyelet seals for bags and packaging
Eyelet seals for Dairy Products
Aluminium eyelet seals for dairy products
Eyelet seals for tagging food system
Eyelet seals for hams
Seals for salami, cured meats, sausages ROUNDCRIMP 15×37 mm
Aluminium security seals for cured meat
Seals for salami, cured meats, sausages FLAGCRIMP 15×54 mm
Aluminium security seals for cured meat and salami
Aluminium seal with progressive numbering Crimpseal
Completely aluminium self locking seal
Self locking metallic seals
Metal clip seal MATCRIMP 34×8 mm
Galvanized and brass coated steel seal. Metal clip seal. No possibility of progressive numbering
Metal clip seal MATCRIMP 55×10 mm
Metal clip seal. No possibility of progressive numbering
Metal security seal. Seals for Hessian Sacks
Aluminuim self-locking seal