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Shooting after the Chinese New Year: Until the end of February 2022

Supply chain risks will last until at least February; after the Chinese New Year. this was stated by the head of one of the largest commodity brokers in the world.

It is a worsening traffic jam that clogs global freight arteries.

The supply chain suffers from a “dramatic lack of capacity” for ships, trucks, trains, containers and warehouse workers.

In fact, labor shortages are keeping trucks idle and containers stuck in distribution centers, which is limiting any capacity supply chain operational.

Containers stuck in freight yards with no one to pick them up are at record levels.

The repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic have been felt around the world and in all sectors.

Nearly 75% of companies globally had already reported disruptions to their supply chain as a result of transport restrictions.

Dramatic situation.

There is really no point in the supply chain that isn’t experiencing chaos. By now very many shippers are turning to expensive air freight out of concern of ocean freight delays.

In addition to the overcrowding, there is also the decision to ship the goods in advance for the holidays.

With all these premises, the signs of improvement will be slow in coming.

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