Polypropylene seal
EPR Magnet Tracker
EPR Magnet Tracker – 4G GPS Tracker
Lead seal kit
Complete lead seal kit
Seal for baggage handling ANIO SEAL 3.3×315
Seal for baggage handling is a 100% recyclable security seal. Label size 22×60 mm
Seals for baggage handling ANIO SEAL 3.3×425
Seals for baggage handling are 100% recyclable security seals. Label size 22×60 mm
Elastic cord for ear loop face mask
Elastic cord for ear loop face masks is supplied in spools made of carton: 1kg (2 lb) each spool – 1000 m (3280 ft) – with a diameter of 3 mm (1/8″)
Face mask ear strap extension hook
Face mask ear strap extension hook. Adjustable. Four anchor positions
Coloured elastic cord for ear loop face mask
Coloured elastic cord for ear loop face masks supplied in 1 kg (2 lb) spools made of carton
Bolt Lock High Security Seal With Peel-off Sticker CERBERUS SEAL
Bolt lock high security seal with peel-off sticker
Bolt lock UHF RFID three-state e-seal SOTER SEAL
UHF RFID bolt-lock seal, it can provide its status information, UNLOCKED, LOCKED or TAMPERED, which is stored in the RFID chip. Compliant with ISO 17712:2013
Aluminum palet cover Art: TD 005
Aluminum palet cover
Aluminum thermal pallet cover
Aluminum thermal palet cover
HF Silicon Wristband
Waterproof, anti-moisture, anti-shock and high temperature resistant
UHF Silicon Wristband
Developed with the soft silicon rubber material and is non allergic to skin
RFID PVC Wristbands
RFID vinyl wristbands
RFID Bag safe plus VOID
Security envelope with RFID, radiofrequency automatic identification capability
Aluminum insulation cover for roll container
Aluminum insulation cover for roll container
Janus Gate
RFID System designed specifically to monitor and manage the movement of containers that pass through a gate
RFID Trolley
Self-standing and moving-on-wheels UHF RFID read/write solution
EPR CM398 Hand-Held RFID NFC Reader
EPR-CM398 is a high speed Quadcore industrial Android smart phone. It integrated UHF RFID reader and NFC
UHF RFID Reader EPR AT880 Hand-Held
UHF RFID Reader EPR AT880 is a PDA WM 6.5 full option, provided with both UHF and HF RFID frequency
UHF Reader/Writers
Short range multi tag Reader/Writer, for transponders and smart labels
HF Reader/Writers
Portable touch screen RFID mobile terminal